Sinful Sunday Weekly Round-up 175

It's all about the image

Sinful Sunday Weekly Round-up 175

*New prompt for September is out now and you can find all the details on Monthly Prompt 9  and you have until the 7th of September to get your images ready

This weeks top 5 pics

Rebel’s Notes

Womans red hair spread out on the bed

This is a striking image, the white background is the perfect frame to the fiery cascades of her hair which flow out like emotions from her mind which is exactly what this image is meant to represent. The title of the piece is Hiraeth, a Welsh word with no direct English translation but is about longing, grief and sadness. I think Rebel captured the essence of the word perfectly

You won’t tame this Sassy Cat

Woman in blindfol

The blindfold picture has been done to death in my opinion but that doesn’t mean that it can’t still be done with style and creativity which is what Sassy Cat has done. There is a softness to the image that seems to emphasis the sensual nature of being blindfolded but it is the open mouth and the faint pink blush to her cheek which for me is the visual representation of the Ooooooh! printed on the blindfold.

Bawdy Bloke

couple wearing matching superhero pants

Do I need to explain? Matching superhero pants pretty much always win but when you combine them with some great camera skills and post editing you pretty much guarantee your spot in the top 5. Funny, cheeky, playful and very sexy.

A Dissolute Life Means….

womans shadow in background and her body in the foreground

Hy writes about feeling disjointed and for me this image really portrays that emotion. The shadow is obviously her and yet feels very removed from her physically and the shadow is more complete than Hy. We only see her breasts but on the wall we see a more complete woman but only in shadow form. The real Hy is remains hidden, masked while her shadow takes centre stage.

Property of Potter


“Exposed. Each pane of glass revealing a sight that pains me to see. Me”

One of the things about posting images of oneself is often the disparity between what the subject sees/perceives about themselves and what others see. Often it is that difference of opinion that, for me at least, has given me a more truthful view of my body. Property of Potter sees flaws, things about her body that cause her pain and yet I see something very different. I see a powerful woman who looks strong, confident and fabulously sexy. She appears to be in charge of herself, to be aware of her sexuality, she looks like a woman who knows what she wants and is determined to get it. She looks absolutely fucking amazing.

You can see all this weeks entries on Sinful Sunday Week 175

Blast from the Past

Sinful Sunday Week 57Being Blacksilk

Woman wearing strap-on

There is something amazingly sexy about this shot, which I think is about contrast. There is the very obviously female body, the breasts, the thighs, the black lace, even the way she is laying suggests woman but this is a woman with a cock and it is that juxtaposition between the two genders that makes this image so hot.


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