Sinful Sunday Weekly Roundup 292

It's all about the image

Sinful Sunday Weekly Roundup 292

Woman pulling up tshirt with orgasm face

Check out the prompt for December and get your images ready for the 4th December. I am looking forward to this one a lot

This week the round-up is in the hands of Malflic

Malflic’s Top 5 Pics of the Week

It’s truly my honor to be doing a Sinful Sunday round up for a second time. The fact that so many amazing contributions happen every week speaks to the power of this community, its positivity, commitment, and talents.  Which makes an already daunting task even harder.

You Won’t Tame this Sassy Cat

Woman pulling up tshirt with orgasm face

There is so much I fucking love about this one!  Really there is no non obscenity laden way to express how powerful the picture is.  From the way her lips are poised, the contrast of her glasses against her tussled hair and smoky eye shadow, the peek of ink on the hand that clutches at her shirt intensely, teasing us with her breasts and the other hand out of frame helping is imagine where her headspace is as she pursues her addiction…her orgasm!  Now if it was only me she was thinking of…which I can assure you she is not.  However I digress…

Holden and Camille

Looking down on couple, woman laying on a table in long socks while her partner licks her pussy

What a lucky bird to have such a view.   There is something about a picture that catches a woman in the throes of passion that always amazes me.  Something truly primal and at times wonderfully over whelming. Her soft skin and long red locks are undeniably alluring but it is also his focus on her, his focus on what can only to be assumed to be her pleasure, her release, her orgasm.   Main stream porn often focuses oral sex on the man’s pleasure, or when it does feature a woman it rarely exhibits the delicate intimacy many of us share.  The picture does that beautifully.

Exposing 40

Nude silhouette of women looking out of window

Just last week I found myself in a conversation about the allure of a woman’s hips. The view presented here is one that could easily be admired for hours, assuming of course you weren’t tempted into other things by it. Admittedly I love what Exposing 40 does and this image to me captures the essence of a woman’s form, sensuality and appeal. The lovely curve of her hips, the position of her legs, somehow both demure and erotic at the same time. And I’m almost as big of a sucker for sepia tones and B&W pictures as a beautiful woman.

Rebel’s Notes

Nude female bottom with red handprint spank marks

I have always been a fan of a red or pink bottom and Rebel’s with hand prints on it was sure to catch the fancy of every spanking top who saw it. There is in those glowing hand prints so much. There is of course pain, both instant and residual, there is intent. Bottoms often do not mark easily and with that intensity. There is submission, in it being bared, in her positioning while being marked and undoubtedly as is often the case there is lust and arousal.  A hand print or two on a sexy ass really can say so much.

Eugene Noale

Man with vasectomy bandage on his testicles

And finally for the male form something I admire but often struggle with sharing myself.  The picture has a raw grittiness to it.   Maybe it’s deeply erotic, but maybe is also an honest representation of the male form when not in a frenzied erotic state that made this one stand out.   In fact that’s the case.

In many ways I could identify with the pictures, the stubble of his pubes, the texture of his testicles, that damn hair or two on them that never gets shaved all the way off.  A lot is said, in media, advertising and popular culture about the pressure women feel to conform to a certain body type, image, behavior etc.   And places like Sinful Sunday do an amazing job at presenting the wonderful reality of who we, celebrating the differences and the beauty of each.  Eugene does performs that very magic in his submission this week.

A few final words…
In looking back over my choices, and there were many more that I would have loved to have added. As well the realization that most of them came from a deeply carnal place (for me).  That too is the beauty of all of this, sometimes it is art, appreciation of the human form, of things that others share, that challenge us, and sometimes it is about sex, lust, fantasy, and desire.

Big thank you to Malflic for this weeks fabulous round up. You can find him on his blog Malflic and on Twitter @malflic

Blast from the Past

Sinful Sunday Week 170Penny for your Dirty Thought

Penny in glasses with bright red lipstick looking into the camera surrounded by a background of sex toys

This image is from a series that Penny took for her bio page on her site. In the end she decided to use on of the others images but I have picked this one for my blast from the past this week just because it is so perfectly Penny; Fun, playful, sexy and creative. Her eyes are so clear and bright in this and I love how the splash of red lipstick matches the background. As ever, great photography from a great photographer.

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