Sinful Sunday Monthly Prompt 5
14th February 2014
As I mentioned in yesterday’s round-up the optional prompt this month is being bought to us by a guest.
I contacted Dumb Domme a while ago to ask her if she would like to write one of the weekly round-ups. That email led to her sharing an idea for a monthly prompt. I loved her idea so much that I decided, on this occasion, to combine the prompt and the guest write-up into one and so here is Dumb Domme with her challenge to you.
A great sense of humor is sexy! And thank goodness — with the faces we make, the noises we produce, and the occasional sex-fail related mishaps, mistakes, and injuries, sex and play can be unintentionally hilarious.
Whether it’s with someone you just met or a long-term partner, the laughter we share is a product of intimacy, and for many, intimacy is one of the most important parts of a satisfying experience.
This months prompt is all about the laughter. Whether it’s a ridiculous ‘O’ face, a poorly aimed implement, or simply the joy that comes from sex, play, and pleasure, this months prompt asks you to think about what makes sex joyous, fun, and sometimes even funny. (Be sure to consider your photography fails, too! Perhaps you caught an extra pussy (cat!) or a photobombing dog in your sexy-time photo. Maybe you didn’t realize your child’s toy truck was in the frame when you photographed your butt plugs, or maybe that hot pic you wanted to send to your partner ended up looking more like a blurry flesh-colored amoeba than a sexy selfie. Consider including those photo fails as Sinful Sunday submissions so we can share the laughter!)
Have your post ready to go for Sunday 2nd March 2014. Any questions or queries can be posted in the comments below, you can email me [email protected] or tweet me @mollysdailykiss
The prompt is published here on the site mid month, which will give people approximately 2 weeks to work on their idea before linking in, on the 1st weekend of the month.
The prompt is completely optional and you can link in as normal on that weekend whether you have used the prompt or not. The usual Sinful Sunday rules will, of course, apply. Please make sure you have read them recently so that you are fully aware of what is and is not allowed.