Sinful Sunday Weekly Round-up 220

Don’t forget this coming Sunday it it time to show off your images for the monthly prompt. In the meantime this weeks round-up is in the deliciously sexy hands of Modesty Ablaze….
Modesty’s top 5 pics of the Week
Ok, I’ll admit that I’m addicted, (to lots of things of course!), but one of my earliest internet addictions, and certainly my longest-running, has been Sinful Sunday.
I’ve always loved Sinful images, but the wonder of people sharing their own sinful moments and sinful experiences all in one place, has kept me looking forward to every Sunday from the moment I first discovered, and book-marked, this wonderfully special strand of the world-wide-web!!!
The strapline says “it’s all about the image” but, for me, Sinful Sunday is much more than just the image. For me it is an empowering, enriching, place of discovery and delight. A place to find fun and like-minded souls, a place of expression and community . . . and perhaps most importantly for me . . . a place to find that there are others who are just as addicted as I.
And I was SO thrilled to be given the opportunity to select my own favourite posts from this weeks Sinful Sunday . . . thrilled until I realised that I wouldn’t be allowed to select all 38.
So, the following posts are simply the ones that have kept me smiling and tingling . . . and pressing the “back” button again and again . . . all week!
It possibly won’t surprise some of you to know that I love rope play and the moment this image popped-up on my screen, I gasped and giggled with delight. This is so cheeky, and so different, and looks such fun. I’ve found myself clicking back to this moving-truck again and again, imagining it driving around and around . . . swinging it’s secret and sexy cargo . . . to and fro!!!
An erect nipple never fails to catch my eye, so I was immediately drawn to this simple, but very, very sexy, image. This is Nerdy Dirty Girls first Sinful Sunday post and reading her introductory words I found myself nodding in agreement as she mentioned being a voyeur at heart . . . and having to push oneself to post her photo. Well I am so glad she did . . . it is simply lovely and I hope will be the “First Peek” of many more to come!
Oh a Scavenger Hunt! How could I resist??? But seriously, this is a wonderfully sexy photograph. I love everything about it, the wonderfully ballsy pose, the coat completely open, the warm orangey glow. So hot . . . I’m sure that snow melted away instantly. And the thought of the neighbours peering through their curtains . . . Oh just wonderful fun!!!
I always love images that tell a story . . . particularly such a fun story as this. Livvy’s photographs just make me giggle as I scroll down one-by-one, remembering being in similar “changing-room” situations as this, and loving how wonderfully fabulous she looks . . . and loving the instantaneous, almost Polaroid-look of the black and white effect which fits so well with the immediacy of the story. And, of course, I’m dying to know if there were any “dress mishaps”. Sexy, tingly-fun photos and sexy, tingly-fun words.
All of my other favourites above struck a particular chord, or point of empathy, with me . . . for all of the reasons I’ve mentioned. But this photograph was DIFFERENT from the moment I opened it. It is such a wonderfully sexy image. A gorgeous self-portrait that I keep going back to with admiration and envy. The way Flip has framed her photo so cleverly within the frame of the mirror, the way the strap of her camera curls so seductively around her breast, the way the black & white seems to accentuate the mystery and sensuality of the image . . . and of course those lovely curves and tones. Just a lovely, lovely photo . . . and I so, so want to say to Flip that she should never “hate it”, this photograph is simply stunning!!!
You can find Modesty on her own blog; Modesty Ablaze and on Twitter @ablazingmodesty
Blast from the Past
Sinful Sunday Week 101 – Prescient Love
SOCKS!!!! Yes I am all about the socks and this picture definitely ticks that for me and when combined with the sexy front and back view. Oh my….
One Response
Brilliant choices!