Sinful Sunday Weekly Round-up 237

It's all about the image

Sinful Sunday Weekly Round-up 237

Small breasted female nude

Don’t forget this Sunday is prompt Sunday

This week it is over to Cheeky Minx from Love Hate Sex Cake for the round-up

Cheeky Minx Top 5 Pics



How will I ever manage to choose a mere five images from an average of almost 40 incredible photographs?

These were the questions that immediately came to mind as soon as I jumped at the opportunity and privilege to write up this week’s round-up when Molly asked me a while back.

As I predicted, choosing a handful of photographs was a near impossibility because the standard is always so high, the images erotically unique, the participants amazingly talented. I kept hoping I could push my luck with a top 10 or even 20.

After much (and very pleasurable) deliberation, I’ve finally decided on my final five.

For me, these images all have one thing in common: persistence. They lingered. They stayed with me. They flashed through my mind throughout the day. They drew me back, time and again. They left me wondering not only about the captured moment, but also the before and the after. They had me wanting a little more.

They are all images and afterimages, if you will.

And more than this, in their own unique way, they all wove complex visual narratives (often complemented by powerful words and prose) in a single shot, or a series, that spoke to my own style, my own sexuality and longings, my own need for the journey through both the light and the dark of eroticism, self-portraiture and desire…

Steeled Snake

Woman laying on bed in sunlight in lingerie

This beautiful shot literally embodies its title for me: ‘Simple Things, Simple Times.’ And it does so with an effortless sensuality that I absolutely adore. From the languid pose and feminine curves, to the band of morning light kissing her glowing skin, to the contrast between the white rumpled sheets and deep ebony lingerie, this whispers seductively of a sumptuous morning in bed and deeply fulfilling, intimate pleasures.

Exposing 40

Woman laying on bed in black gloves

I know I wasn’t alone in thinking this gorgeous black and white triptych intensely sexy, sassy and downright steamy. The final image and that wanton, kohl-smudged gaze left me stunned. Yet, it was the second photograph that truly held my attention. There’s something so alluring about the sensual, dreamy contact of the gloved hand to the curve of her breast as the light bleaches her skin and her hair, by some magical means, is given movement and life in the fixed stillness.

Behind the Chintz Curtain

Jane Gilbert nude self portrait


I may have to declare a bias here. Like the extremely beautiful Jane, I am a small-breasted woman. Even though I never shy away from retweeting/reblogging or promoting photographs that feature women with more voluptuous curves, I have to admit I get a special thrill when I see smaller – and equally beautiful – breasts, take centre stage.

For me, this is an exquisite monochrome shot because it’s all about that incredibly sensual region and curve. Again, I was transfixed by the contrast of light and shade, the velvety black background and her gorgeous feminine lines and, ultimately, the capture of the antithesis of plainness.

Molly’s Daily Kiss

Molly on her knees in the corner

Speaking of contrasts, as a standalone photograph, this shot is a darkly sexual and complex image for me. Along with the lightning, framing and monochrome tones, the flowing and sensual curve of her back, as it is positioned between two immovable walls, took my breath away. Even as I want to focus purely on the photograph, it was the way the powerful words cracked open the image, allowed me to truly feel and register the tension and “contrast” between a certain kind of submission and a very obvious strength, that transformed and complicated her pose – from one that is static in the shot, to one that could easily be a frame stilled, her motion merely suspended, the movement of her curves and her desires, any moment, dynamic and free again.

Maria Opens Up

Woman carving pumpkin naked

As soon as I spotted this image, I knew immediately it would feature in my top five, because I’m an easy mark for noir imagery and a wickedly dark eroticism. So, it’s no surprise that this shot was like the best kind of sucker punch to the solar plexus. The foreboding low angle, the play of light and shadow, the wanton spread of her thighs the perfect counterpoint to the menacing angle of the knife waiting to take its deathly plunge, the tangle of hair, resembling a dripping mass on first glance, thanks to the incredible orange glow of the light and pumpkin… Every element had me mesmerised, electrified and on edge.

Thank you to Cheeky Minx for this weeks round-up. You can find her on her own blog Love Hate Sex Cake and on Twitter @LoveHateSexCake

Blast from the Past

Sinful Sunday Week 114Insatiable Desire

Woman in red lingerie masturbatingDoesn’t she look beautiful, lost in the moment, immersed in her body and the pleasure of her own touch. The view up her body is tantalizing with he red lingerie frames the swell of her breasts but it is the story of this image is in her face and it is seriously sexy.

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