Sinful Sunday Weekly Round-up 245

This weeks guest on the round-up is Rabbit in Chains but first my usual reminder…. Sinful Sunday Jan 2016 Prompt
Rabbit in Chains Top 5 Pics of the Week
So, this week I have da powuh! I am the arbiter of all that is sinful!
Seriously, though, it’s always interesting to see what everyone comes up with, especially on the weeks where there isn’t a prompt to follow. Although some of you are still carrying on the Christmas spirit with some rather festive pieces. One of which made it into my top picks. It was interesting being on this side of the judge’s table this week. I’d liked to say that I had some convoluted process for picking my favorites, but, really, I’m a gut girl. So each image pretty much made it onto the list with no real debate on my end. If it hit me when I saw it, it got on the list.
Cherry Tart Blog
This one was the first image that caught my eye this week. I just love this. The position, the binding, the marks. It pushes all my happy buttons.
Sassy’s Snapshots
This is my Christmas pick for the week. I love the sheen of the red velvet and the hand slipping beneath the garter.
I want these fucking boots. So much. They immediately caught my attention over everything else in this picture. There’s just something so hot about gladiator boots. They go wonderfully with the dress as well.
I just love the shapes in this photo. The contrast between the tights and the skin make it so interesting.
The Shingle Beach
My birthday was this week as well, so I just had to pick the birthday picture. I like the way the camera focuses on the brownies and the candles with some out of focus loveliness in the back. It’s just an interesting shot all around.
Massive thank you to Rabbit in Chains for this weeks round-up. You can find her on her own blog Rabbit in Chains and on Twitter @Rabbit_InChains
Blast from the Past
Sinful Sunday Week 122 – Gritty Woman
This is just beautiful. It is an image I just want to fall into, in fact the angle of the shot makes it feel that is what could potentially happen and then where would be be. Laying in her lap I guess…. oh the joy!
5 Responses
Excellent choices!
I have to say Molly, the ladies who take part in Sinful Sunday all have fabulous tits! Mind you I guess it’s a case of “if you’ve got them, show them!” Xx
I think that all tits are lovely and I think Sinful Sunday proves that!
::/ unfortunately a nude male can never match the beauty of a nude woman, whether Roman sculpture, historical fine art, black and white photography or playboy there’s no comparison.. LOL I’m not bitter I’ll just have to see what images I can dream up
[…] Edit: Guest judge Simina of Rabbit in Chains chose my photo for the Sinful Sunday Weekly Round-up: […]