Sinful Sunday Monthly Prompt Feb 2017

It's all about the image

Sinful Sunday Monthly Prompt Feb 2017

Nude woman looking down at camera

The prompt for 5th February 2016 is: Minimalist

A minimalist photograph illustrates a moment in time, or an artistic perspective, with simplicity and grace. It is often characterized by a large portion of negative space, a fairly monochromatic color palette with good contrast, and an interesting subject that is able to stand on its own to capture the interest of the viewer. Minimalist photos are simple to look at. The idea is to use as few elements as possible within the frame thereby placing greater attention on the subject. Minimalist images use lines, shapes, patterns, symmetry, geometry or isolated subjects to create a visual impact.

On this page, Types of Minimalist photography, the author details 7 different types which might help you to generate ideas and below are some links to some examples that should help to guide and inspire you.

Negative Space by Understanding Flutterby – The title says it all, this using negative space to create a minimalist image

String of Passion by Love Hate Sex Cake – Uses both negative space and a tight crop to gives the illusion of seeing part of the whole picture. Our minds are left to fill in the rest of the scene.

Lamp by Maria Open’s Up – The lack of detail and muted tones make Maria look like she has become part of her surroundings.

Lace by Exposing 40 – This one is almost abstract in nature.

Black and White and Delicious both by me. The first uses a two colour palate to create contrasts and the second uses isolated detail.

The prompt is published here on the site mid month, which will give people approximately 2 weeks to work on their idea before linking in, on the 1st weekend of the month. The prompt is completely optional and you can link in as normal on that weekend whether you have used the prompt or not. The usual Sinful Sunday rules will, of course, apply. Please make sure you have read them recently so that you are fully aware of what is and is not allowed.

As always interpret as you wish, or disregard altogether and do you own thing.

Have your post ready to go for Sunday 5th February 2017. Any questions or queries can be posted in the comments below, you can email me [email protected] or tweet me @mollysdailykiss



One Response

  1. Elliott says:

    Hmmm… so a tiny little picture of my cock this week??? I guess I will be forced to have to look at all the examples.

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