Sinful Sunday Weekly Round-up 406
Don’t forget just over a week until it is prompt weekend and yikes, February already!
This week I am delighted to welcome Zebra Rose to the round up for the first time. You can find her on her blog Knkstriped and on Twitter @ZebraRoseSub
Zebra Rose’s Top 5 Pics of the Week
When Molly messaged me and asked if I’d be interested in doing a Sinful Sunday round-up some time, I must admit to letting out a little “squee!” and doing a bit of a dance. What an honour! Sinful Sunday was the first sex blogging meme I’d participated in and when I posted that first picture, the warm and encouraging comments in response I received inspired me to go on and create more content on my blog. I love how body-positive and supportive the participants in this meme are – in a world where we’re surrounded by people trying to sell us things by making us feel bad about ourselves, it makes a wonderfully refreshing change. As many guest rounder-uppers have noted before me, picking a top 5 out of so many delicious, sexy, cheeky and contemplative pictures is a pretty tough job, but here goes….
I absolutely adore the slight air of uncertainty and vulnerability in Frisky’s body language – as someone who uses a lot of filtering on my images to obscure the ‘bad’ bits, I absolutely salute Frisky for showing himself without vanity edits – and the result is very yummy. That’s a solid ‘unnfff’ from me. I love the look of concentration on his face too. Make that two ‘unnfff’s.
I felt like it might look a bit sycophantic to include this but its just such an utterly stunning picture that I couldn’t not. The light and shadow contrast, the expression on Molly’s face the pose are all sublimely erotic – as soon as I saw this I said “Wow” out loud and had to take off my jumper because SO MUCH HOT.
The framing of the narrow strip of Krystal’s body between door and wall is so well-positioned and shows her loveliness off to great advantage. The image alone made me misty-eyed with admiration, but the accompanying text almost made me tear up a little. When I looked again at the picture with the added perspective of Krystal’s words, it took on an even greater depth and beauty.
My Controlled Ascent
Who’d have thought that menstrual blood on a tissue could be beautiful? Well, that’s kind of the point I guess – looking at things a different way and revealing the not-obvious. Kis’s cleverness with digital editing and her vision of making a celebration out of something that still carries a social burden of shame (despite being perfectly natural); is worthy of applause.
Purple’s Gem
You know when you see a picture that grabs you by the heart and gives you a good shake, leaving you too breathless to articulate what was good about it? THIS. Composition-wise, it ticks all of my favourite boxes – lovely naked body – check. Selective colourisation – check. Dramatic pose – check. But there’s something more than that about it, something that makes it greater than the sum of its technical parts. I’d buy this and put it on a wall and look at it every day.
2 Responses
Thank you Zebra Rose for including me in your round up and your very kind words. I truly appreciate you taking the time to write such complimentary things. 🙂
[…] been particularly impressed with their photography. A favourite of mine was featured in a recent sinful Sunday round-up but I was also taken very much by this one in the same post […]