Welcome to Sinful Sunday’s New Home
14th January 2012
I think the title says it all really but just in case, welcome to the new home of Sinful Sunday. I have decided that the growth of Sinful Sunday with both players and watchers has been so great that it deserves its very own little space on the internet. Unlike the page on my blog that was limited to hosting just the explanation and the links this new site will mean that Sinful Sunday can now have mid week round ups, information about up coming themes and competitions, as well as the usual Sunday post. It will also make it much easier to host guest posts too. Something that seems to be happening on an increasingly regular basis. Over the next few months I am hoping that this new sub domain will allow Sinful Sunday to continue to grow and develop and give bloggers a place to share and really draw attention to their erotic photographic work. As the word spreads around the sex blogging community I hope the number of contributors will continue to increase along with the number of visitors who come to view peoples work. This growing circle of connected users will thereby increase everyone’s traffic and mean that all our work is exposed to an increasing audience.
If you have previously joined in with Sinful Sunday do not worry about changing the link on your posts. The old link will still direct people to the Sinful Sunday page on my blog which in turn will redirect them here. All the links previous link lists have been moved over here though and reposted on the Archives page. If you use the badge code to link into Sinful Sunday please can you make sure you grab the new one from the side bar and link back to this site from now on or if you have downloaded the badge then make sure that you link it back to https://sinfulsunday.mollysdailykiss.com/
And finally, if you are new to Sinful Sunday and want to know what it all about or are thinking of joining in then visit the What Is Sinful Sunday? page which will tell you all about this project and exactly how you can join in.
See you back here tomorrow for the first Sinful Sunday in its new home.