Sinful Sunday Sexing Up The Movies Competition!
Finally it is time for another competition week. Make sure you note the date and theme and then let your creative sexy juices flow!
The next Sinful Sunday competition which will take place on the 5th MAY 2013.
Sexing Up The Movies
This is your chance to re-brand your favourite movie with your own unique erotic sinful spin on the title. Take any movie title that you like and create a sexy, sinful, erotic image to go with it. Movie titles must remain UNCHANGED your job is to sex up the meaning of the titles. There really a zillion to choose from. As always let your imagination run riot, the point of the competition is to get your creative juices flowing.
1. Your entry must contain at least one photograph (this is still Sinful Sunday after all, which is all about the image) It must be a photograph you took or someone took for you. You may include more than one image in your post
2. You must follow the normal guidelines for Sinful Sunday and use the badge to link your post back here.
3. Only ONE entry per blog
4. To be eligible for the competition your post must be inspired by the theme. (see above)
5. Please make sure your post is clearly marked as a competition entry. If you wish to still link into Sinful Sunday on that day but not be included in the competition that is fine, there will be a separate link in list for non competition entries.
I will post a full list of the prizes in the week prior to the competition but I can tell you that we have some very exciting things from Nipple Charms,, Dom-estics and a new contributors That Position and Angel’s Sex Toys, who have very generously donated a $25 dollar gift certificate.
The Judges
The judging panel will consist of myself, Sir (Domsigns) and the now regular guest judging duo; Kerry and Mr Stott. Kerry is the author of Double Decker Bus; “a compelling account of Kerry’s adventures with cancer”. She is a funny, sassy, talented and intelligent lady and her appreciation of all things erotic has made her a fabulous addition to the judging panel.
Now all we need is you….