Sinful Sunday Weekly Round-Up 105
18th April 2013
Just in case you missed it the next Sinful Sunday competition details where announced earlier this week. It will take place on the 5th MAY 2013 so you have a couple of weeks to hatch your plans and you can find all the important stuff on the Sinful Sunday Sexing Up The Movies Competition!
In the meantime it is business as usual with this weeks top 5 pics of the week
This is such a beautifully sensual image capturing a precious moments that couples share. The sleeping man appears to be completely relaxed and at peace with life and the clasp of his hand across the swell of her breast, well, there is an interesting mix of possession about it. The hand is clearly male and adult and yet he almost appears to be like a sleeping child clutching his favourite toy!
I really struggled to pick just one image from Dee’s post this week as they are all so great but in the end I had to go with this one just because of the expression on her face. In all of them she looks radiant, sexy and fabulously happy but I think this one shows a more impish mischievous Dee.
Sex Toy Land Review
I adore this image. It is such a simple idea really but has produced a truly stunning portrait. The nails and the blue background are the first things that jump out at you but then you look a little more closely and you see a whole lot more.
I really struggled to chose between this picture and the next one for the top spot this week and so in all honesty they are sharing the limelight as both of them are utterly sensational just in very different ways. The lighting in this shot is just magical giving it an almost painting like feel. The lines of shadows create contrast against the softer lines of her body and her skin and breasts just seem to be calling out to be touched.
Do I really need to explain? I think this is so beautiful. The lighting is perfect, the peek of pussy is just so incredibly sexy and even more so when combined with the plug nestled tightly in her bottom and then there are the feet. They somehow make this image even sexier and little glimmer of pink to her pretty toe nails is quite frankly the final perfect touch to an already great shot.
You can see the full list of this week entries on Sinful Sunday Week 105
One Response
I absolutely adored Prescient Love’s image as well & had really hoped it would make the top 5. It’s the kind of thing that could become one of my favourite images ever! I completely agree about the feet, they’re gorgeous and really add to the picture, especially in light of Morgan’s own Kink of the week post this week. J x