Sinful Sunday Weekly Round-up 123
23rd August 2013
Sorry for the delay with this week’s round-up but I have been waiting for one of the blogs to come back on-line, sadly that has not happened and so some minor editing has had to take place. A big thank you to Jane at Chintz Curtain for doing this and for her patience.
Luckily I didn’t have to write the round-up this week, that honour goes to the fabulous Jane of Behind the Chintz Curtain and just because she can’t pick her own post this week (it is in the guest round-up rules, don’t you know) I am going to give it a mention because, well quite frankly, it deserves it; Stardust
Are you back with us? Good then it is time to find which images Jane has picked for her top 5…
Kinky Mia
This is the kinky person’s answer to presenting someone with a flower. Handing over a rose by hand? Not on your life. I’m thinking that Mia’s OH is a brave, brave man to chance a thistle sound – and how steady must her hand have been with that macro lens, sans tripod? Unexpected, fun and beautifully executed.
Ethereal, mystical, totally other-worldly. I have no trouble imagining a forest full of sensual nymphs, and cavorting woodland folk when I look at this very clever image. The lighting is unreal and the bushes surrounding the tree Molly’s moulded to have an almost phosphorescent glow to them, creating a halo-like swath of brilliance. She is part tree, part woman, the line between the two fabulously blurred.
This picture is all about the expression on Anastassia’s face. Her obvious contentment and happiness in the wake of what she’s just experienced – that look of blissed-out fulfilment that’s simply to die for. (Is it just me, or does she look a little bit like the Mona Lisa with that secretive smile upon her lips?)
As soon as I saw this image, I knew it was going to be in my top five. In fact, I debated long and hard between this one and the image that I’ve put in the top spot.
I am a big fan of erotic images that hint and tease, that allow the mind to wander and conjure up all sorts of lovely perverted and sexy scenarios. On the face of it, Flip’s image is pretty explicit, yet as you look, it becomes apparent that there’s something incredibly secretive about it. You can’t see her face. You can’t tell if she’s alone. Where might she be going in those gorgeous red shoes? Who, exactly, took the photograph?
This is a stunning composition, too, made all the more sensual by the way her knees and thighs are pressed modestly together. The tension, the counterbalance that creates with her exposed flesh below … Well, you get the idea.
My top pick for this week is this outstanding perspective shot from Property of Potter and I must confess that I nearly fell out of bed when I clicked on the link to the image. The focus is almost entirely on the eye of the photographer’s subject – and the intensity of the look in it, even though you can’t see it completely clearly, is off the charts. It’s sensual. It’s intimidating. It’s vaguely threatening. Hellishly erotic. Even better, his tattoos trick the eye into thinking that there’s some lighting/shadow-play going on, creating a chiaroscuro effect even though the shot is in colour. Oh, and I love that there is a tiny bit of focus on the back of the hand, that we can see the tiniest dusting of hairs upon it …
You can see all the entries from this week on Sinful Sunday Week 123