Sinful Sunday Weekly Round-up 205

Just a quick reminder that the prompt for the 1ST WEEKEND IN APRIL is already out to give you plenty of time to work on your images; Sinful Sunday April 2015 Prompt
In the meantime this weeks round-up is in the capable, although possibly sticky at times, hands of Girl on the Net
Girl on the Net’s top 5 Pics
I’m rubbish at taking photos, drawing, and doing visually creative erotica. So when I see something visual and erotic – a photo, drawing or film – that gives me a kick in the gut of lust, I am bowled over by surprise that someone’s managed to capture something which feels so personal to me. A kind of ‘how did you get into my head?’ reaction. Last time I did a Sinful Sunday round up, I looked for things that were unique and surprising. This time, I went for the pictures that felt really personal. Like great erotic writing, I think great erotic photos can make you feel like somehow the person creating them really gets you – or at least gets the kind of feelings that you have when you’re turned on.
Sadly if I’m picking them based on this rule, I have no excuse whatsoever to include Malflic’s cat picture, so I’ve linked it there instead. Because no matter how aroused I am I’m still always a sucker for a cute kitty.
So without further ado, here are my selections from the amazing Sinful Sunday pictures from last week
I picked this gorgeous image from SassyCat because it was so evocative of sexy nights and morning afters. I have a real thing for people who look dolled up yet tousled at the same time. Slightly mussed and either post-shag or post-heartbreak. SassyCat mentions that she likes to play around with emotions, expressions and props, and I think this picture is a perfect example of the kind of image that can send me off into a story.
I have a fantasy about walking into a dive bar in the U.S. There are guys wearing denim staring at my arse as I sashay to the bar and perch on a stool. I’m dolled up – short skirted and made up and ready to get messy. As the jukebox plays sad country rock and the bartender pours whisky, the guys at the bar decide that they’re only too happy to oblige.
See what I mean about pictures telling a story? Just a few seconds looking at SassyCat’s pic and this flashed into my head, dredged up from a fantasy from years ago. Something about the whisky, the short skirt and guitar.
You’re going to think I’m very tame, as I bring out a second picture that’s reasonably safe for work. We’re nearly halfway into the round up and I haven’t picked an explicit one yet – I promise I’ll rectify that in the next image. This one, by Ouizzi, struck me as special though because its simplicity taps into something that’s universally hot for me – the glimpse. There’s something amazing about a glimpse. Whether it’s that glimpse of cleavage at at open shirt like this one, or the quick flash of a guy’s stomach as he stretches and his t-shirt rides up. A peek as a grabs a towel when he slips out of bed, or when someone shows a glimpse of skin above a stocking. This hotness makes my heart race.
I promised you explicit for the third, so here goes. This is a really gorgeously voyeuristic urinal shot, and it has gone straight to the ‘horny’ centre of my brain and lodged itself there forever. There’s something intensely hot for me about watching guys piss. That brief moment of unguarded vulnerability, partial nakedness, and the oh-so-casual way they hold their cock. Like Porn Clerk in this photo, standing casually at the urinal looking nonchalant as all hell.
This image feels a bit voyeuristic, too, albeit the kind of voyeurism that happens when you know someone really wants you to look. AbsolutelyRuby has nailed the slightly-bent-over, bum-showing offer that I like to partake in when I’m after a spanking. She’s got a beautiful short skirt that frames her arse, lovely sheer knickers and a stunning pair of stockings. It’s not so much a ‘peek’ as a good long look, and I adore the directness of it.
Let’s end on one of the most uplifting, warming pictures I saw as I was perusing the Sinful Sunday list. This beautiful image, by The Shingle Beach, represents spring. She explains that the patio looks a bit of a state, but to be honest I didn’t even spot the patio, focusing instead on her utterly gorgeous body complete with amazing tattoo (I have a massive thing for tattoos and I am not afraid to admit it). There’s a fuzziness around the edges here which, combined with the bright light streaming in through the door, makes me think of waking up after a good long sleep, and being ready to take on the day.
You can find GOTN on her own sexy blog; Girl on the Net and on Twitter: @girlonthenet
You can see all this entries on Sinful Sunday Week 205
Blast from the Past
Sinful Sunday Week 86 – That Position
This image is just a whole lot of sexy. The angle of the images makes Monika’s legs look like they just go forever and the black lace of the stocking tops really contrast with the pale tones of her skin and seem to highlight how sexy that flash of flesh at the stop of stockings is but for me what really makes this image is the shadows in particular that fabulous way in which the angle of the light has thrown the shadow of the dildo across her thigh.
2 Responses
[…] March 19, 2014. The SECOND photo [ABOVE] was chosen by Girl on the Net in Sinful Sunday’s Weekly Round-Up 205. The following is what she said about the […]
I can’t believe i made it into the round up with this picture,although I’m still flattered. If i knew you liked shots of guys pissing i would have shown more and actually pissed,lol