Sinful Sunday Round-up 314

Don’t forget that the prompt for May is out now.
This week the round up is in the hands of the fabulous Cara Thereon. This is her first time writing a round-up and I hope she enjoyed the challenge. You can find her on her own blog Cara Thereon and on Twitter @Thereon_cara
Cara’s Top 5 Picks of the Week
I was honored to be asked to do this week’s round up. It’s difficult picking five because I understand the thought put into each person’s entry as well as how my personal preferences guide my choices. I will say each was spectacular and I was impressed with the care each person put into what they posted.
How I decided on what I picked was my gut reaction when I saw just the image. Some were easy to explain. The angle or the care in the figure. Others were harder, more my mind in the moment and how the image made me long or want.
This was so bright to me. Just from the thumbnail alone the flowers were so playful and fun, lovely against her skin. It was sexy and sweet, two things I can’t resist.
All I could think about was the tease when I saw it. I literally imagined sitting at her feet, leaning in close, and watching her fingers play through the silk of her panties
Those sexy ass panties aside, I can’t seem to help imagine the reverse of the previous photo. Her leaning down with her head glancing between my thighs. But those panties are sooooo hot, that red so vibrant.
It’s all composition of this one. It absolutely caught my eye because thought I know he’s reaching for the camera, it felt like he was reaching out to touch me.
An action shot I felt to my core. As a hard core spankophile, it was easy to see myself in that shot. The way he anchors her to him, the way his hand sinks into her flesh as it lands, the heat that suffuses her body from that spank. It made me react and there was no way I could pass by the image.
One Response
Thanks Cara. It’s an honour to be honoured.