Sinful Sunday Week 367

Welcome to week 367
Sinful Sunday is all about the image.
If you are here for the first time make sure you read up on the rules then grab the code from the side bar, add to your post and leave the link to your post (not the url of your main site) in the list below. If you have any problems or questions then you can always email me at [email protected].
If you are on Twitter please do spread the word about #sinfulsunday by including the hashtag in your tweets and don’t forget to tell your blogging friends about it as well. The more people who join in, the more successful the meme becomes for all who take part.
In the past I have always tweeted every single Sinful Sunday entry but starting this week I am no longer going to be doing that for 2 reasons.
1. With the number of people joining in each week constantly growing tweeting every entry takes a significant amount of time and also means my time line on Twitter becomes just a stream of links.
2. Which feeds into reason two. Twitter keeps shadowbanning people, including me, and part of that may well be caused by tweeting rather a lot of links which possibly makes my account look a bit spamy to their algorithms.
From now on I am planning on tweeting out a select number of links each week and I will make sure I try to pick different people each week. Also I will retweet your tweets about your posts too. This is where you come in though. In order for people like us, creating adult content, to be able to wiggle through the great censorship machine that is social media we need to work together. Using the hashtag #sinfulsunday in your posts really helps as lots of people follow that hashtag, also tweeting out each others posts. If every single one of us picked at least 2 other posts to tweet about each week that would help to spread the promotion across everyone’s timelines. Also if you are on Instagram you can use the #sinfulsunday hashtag there too as it is currently not a banned tag (for now anyway). I will of course continue to use the round-up to promote peoples work.
Each week there is a Sinful Sunday weekly round-up highlighting my (or one of the guest writers) top 5 images from the previous Sunday. All images used are fully credited and linked back to the original post. If anyone objects to having their image used in the round-up then you need to let me know, otherwise I will assume that by taking part you are happy to be featured on the Sinful Sunday site.
One last thing before you go I can’t urge you enough to please comment on people’s work, no matter whether you are a fellow blogger or a consumer of their work I can assure you that all the people who leave their links on this page want to hear what you have to say.
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