Sinful Sunday Weekly Round-up 576

It's all about the image

Sinful Sunday Weekly Round-up 576

focused and filthy image header for weekly round up 576

Welcome to weekly round-up 576. Don’t forget this Sunday is prompt weekend. It is all about the abstract

This week I am happy to welcome back Ouizzi to the round-up who kindly jumped in at the last minute. You can find her on her blog Ouizzi and on Twitter @ouizzi

Ouizzi’s top Pics of the Week


Topless woman with red lipstick holding parnters soft penis

I love the softness of this image, it makes you look and then look again picking out new details each time. The splash of red lip stick is a great detail.

Lillith Avir

Lilly with her hand round her neck

The image of a hand on someone’s throat always stirs something in me and this is so well executed here. The way the light bounces of her wrist and throat is lovely.

A Leap of Faith

men with arms tied to body

I must admit I enjoy turning the tables once in a while so this is very much up my street and then add rope too, what’s not to like?!

A to sub Bee

Bee in kneehigh sock and jumper with their bum just showing

I have always wanted to cute picture of myself in socks, sadly something I seem to struggle to do unlike Sub-Bee who looks absolutely divine in their socks.

Focused and Filthy

Missy topless at the table drinking coffee

Coffee definitely picks me up most mornings but it’s not the coffee that you focus on in this picture. I love the light coming through the window behind and how relaxed F&F’s body looks, beautiful!


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