Sinful Sunday Week 595

It's all about the image

Sinful Sunday Week 595

Sinful Sunday header image

Welcome to Week 595

Sinful Sunday is all about the image…

The prompt for 4th Sept 2022 is: No Humans

Your challenge this month is to create an image that is erotic, sexy, sensual, suggestive etc without using the human form to do so. So no bodies or even bits of bodies but inanimate objects, or scenes containing them, only. So think, discarded shoes, crumpled sheets, etc. Also, try to create an image that is more than just a photograph of a sex toy but something that sets a scene or tells a story. That does not mean that sex toys are not welcome just try to be inventive with how you use them. For inspiration see THIS post

Also please note that there is not a new Sinful Sunday. If you use the badge code then it will automatically change for you but if you use an image you have uploaded to your dashboard then you will need to grab the new image.

If you are here for the first time make sure you read up on the rules then grab the code from the side bar, add to your post and leave the link to your post (not the url of your main site) in the list below. If you have any problems or questions then you can always email me at [email protected].

If you are on Twitter/Masto please do spread the word about #sinfulsunday by including the hashtag in your tweets and don’t forget to tell your blogging friends about it as well. The more people who join in, the more successful the meme becomes for all who take part.

Each week there is a Sinful Sunday weekly round-up highlighting my (or one of the guest writers) top 5 images from the previous Sunday. All images used are fully credited and linked back to the original post. If anyone objects to having their image used in the round-up then you need to let me know, otherwise I will assume that by taking part you are happy to be featured on the Sinful Sunday site.

So let’s do Sinful Sunday Week 595

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  1. […] Enjoy more SinfulSunday images: […]

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