Sinful Sunday Weekly Round-up 187
I am delighted to welcome another guest to the round-up this week. In a bid to free up some more time for me to both write and to work on my Advent calender images I tweeted an invite for any volunteers who would be interested in taking a spot here. Charlie Powell from Sex Blog (of Sorts) was, to my delight, one of the people who volunteered. Before I hand over to her though, just a reminder to check out Exhibit A’s story writing competition based on this weeks Sinful Sunday images.
Sex Blog (of sorts) top 5 pics
Having looked at a few previous guest round ups, the done thing seems to be to use the introductory paragraph to thank Molly for the invitation to do a round up. Except, er, I didn’t wait for an invite – I volunteered myself! So instead, I’d like to use it to reiterate how grateful I am, and how grateful I think the other participants are, to Molly for all the effort she puts into it, and for making it such a safe and body positive space in which to share photos. It really is hugely appreciated. And with that, on to the round up:
Charlie is a relatively new Sinful Sunday participant, but every time she posts her photos just get better and better. I love how the composition makes you want to follow the curve of her breast up to the very sexy bite mark on her arm.
There’s a Kristina Lloyd short story about sex with a graffiti artist that’s hot as hell and this image sent me running to read it again. Not only does the public setting and the vulnerability hit all my kinks, it makes me wonder how on earth Molly was able to take this photo without being caught.
I’m completely on board with the sentiments expressed in this post about what plus size means, but words aside, it’s a beautiful picture. It’s such a flattering pose, and makes me want someone to bend me over a kitchen worktop as soon as possible.
I really felt for Sassy when I saw her post – her words are so sad when you see how beautiful she looks in her pictures and how much effort she’s gone to with the composition. They have an almost haunted quality and they stayed with me long after I first looked at them.
And my favourite of this week… Although I found picking my top five images really tough, I knew this was my favourite from very early on. I’m so curious about what she’s doing in that space between the bed and the radiator but I cannot get over how sexy she is – look at the line of her breast and the way her shadow is perfectly captured. Amazing.
You can find Charlie Powell on her own blog; Sex Blog (of sorts) and on twitter @sexblogofsorts
Blast from the Past
Sinful Sunday Week 68 – Girl Uninterrupted
At first glance it would be an easy mistake to make to think these 3 images are one and the same but let your eyes linger on each one a moment and you will quickly notice they are not. The placement of his hand and position of her leg is slightly different in each one. This is a series of 3 images that really have that wonderful voyeuristic feel to them that I love and it is enhanced by the fact that the man in them also seems to be riveted by the reflection of himself and his lover fucking. Being a self voyeur is something I can totally relate to.