Sinful Sunday Weekly Round-up 717

It's all about the image

Sinful Sunday Weekly Round-up 717

Honey sitting in front of boiled egg. She is dipping toast into the egg and we can see her boobs

Welcome to weekly round-up 717 and the first round-up of 2025. The prompt for January was Good Morning and I loved seeing how it inspired everyone. There were such a variety of images and also a whole host of images too as we had 18 blogs linking in.

That means for the first time in a little while I can pick a top 5 rather than a top 3, so here we go

Molly’s Top 5 Pics of the Week

Pain as Pleasure

Man's bare chest with nipple clamps on his nipples and a chain running between them. In the centre of his chest he has a large scar

This is such a powerful image combining B1’s love of pain with evidence of the pain he has experienced recently through surgery. It is about healing and acceptance and in many ways feels like a celebration of both.

Monstrous Jaffa

Shadowy picture showing a woman straddling a man in bed

I love the dark and shadowy image of MJ’s and Ouizzi’s New Year’s Day morning. It is a sensual and intimate portrait and the grainy nature of the image adds to the feel of us witnessing this moment between two lovers in real time

Focused and Filthy

Large beautiful black and blue tattoo on Missys hip and thigh

Just wow. Both the ink, which is incredible but the image which shows it off. The black framing from the fabric that helps to make the pale tones of her skin pop and therefore provide the contrasting canvass for the tattoo.

Art Imitating Life

Hand with painted nailed holding erect penis

Welcome to Art Imitating Life. Lovely to have a new contributor to Sinful Sunday this week and what a stunning morning the image they kicked off with. The light in this beautiful, so warm and inviting and little line of blue in the background from the light creeping in through the curtains help set up this sexy morning moment.

Happy Come Lucky

Honey sitting with her dressing gown open showing her breasts. In front of her in a soft boiled egg and she is dipping toast into it

And finally Honey. One of the things I have always liked about Honey’s pictures is there huge variety in nature, from hardcore filthy and kinky to playful and sensual and funny and sexy. This one definitely falls into the playful and sexy category. There is something decadent about the egg yolk running down the edge of the shell and the background of her beautiful boobs, well it makes for a morning scene that looks utterly delicious.


2 Responses

  1. Cookie says:

    What a lovely welcome. As someone who has enjoyed Sinful Sunday for a long time, and an avid reader of the many amazing, contributing blogs, I’m chuffed to be a part of it! x

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