Sinful Sunday Weekly Round-up 718

Welcome to weekly round-up 718. The prompt for February is out now! You have just over two weeks to work on your images for that.
This week the round-up is in the hand of my wonderful old friend Kayla Lords. You can find her selling beautiful kinky things on The Kinkery and on Bluesky @KaylaLords
Kayla’s Top 3 Pics of the Week
Molly’s Daily Kiss

The picture took my breath away – it caught my eye immediately. The words are so relatable.
A Leap of Faith
The composition of the image invited me to look more closely, and I loved everything I saw — the paddle, the folded body, and flaps of the cardboard looking as if the contents are freshly opened or about to be closed up.
The details of this image are striking. I had to pull back (mentally and physically) to see the entire image. And a clamped nipple will always get my attention, lol.